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Reflection in a Pond

Ponds offer a variety of recreational opportunities, aesthetic beauty and increase wildlife viewing opportunities. However, ponds also require regular maintenance.        To get the most enjoyment out of your pond, active management can save you a lot of work in the long run. If you would like general assistance regarding pond management, please call the office at 440-326-5800.


Boat on Lake
Fishing in Nature

Preventing Winter Fish Kills

Creating a Healthy Pond is Easy as 1, 2, 3


It Starts With Design

When constructing a new pond the banks should be graded to a 3:1 ratio, or for every three feet of distance out into the pond the bank should drop one foot. Also, at least 25 percent of the pond should be dug to 10-12 feet if possible. This will deter the growth of rooted plants by limiting the total surface area in which these plants can grow. 


Plan Ahead

Second, a vegetation control program throughout the summer growing season is recommended. By managing and controlling plants during the summer you will limit the amount of dying/decomposing vegetation in the winter. This can be done by using herbicides and adding pond dyes to shade the water which will help limit plant growth. Good watershed management practices will also help limit as many nutrients as possible from entering the pond. Make sure grass clippings are not washed into the pond after mowing or, if you fertilize your lawn, by leaving an unfertilized buffer of at least 50 feet around the pond.


Breathe in the Air

The single best step to promote the health of a pond is to add an aeration system. These systems add oxygen to the water, which speeds up plant decomposition while also keeping oxygen levels high enough to sustain fish. There are many types of aeration systems available on the market today but not all can be used through the winter. A diffused aeration system (also known as bubblers) will keep ice from forming in the areas of the pond where the diffusing heads are circulating the water. 


Additionally, only if it is safe to do so, snow can be shoveled off your pond to allow sunlight to penetrate. By removing 25-50 percent of the snow you should allow enough sunlight in to permit sufficient photosynthesis to occur, which should sustain oxygen levels under the ice. (See graphic)

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